by April | Nov 17, 2013 | Encouragement, Interview, Writing
Please join me in welcoming best-selling author, Bonnie Leon, to my blog. I’m so excited to have her for my very first author interview! I’ve known Bonnie for several years, first meeting at an Oregon Christian Writers conference. She’s a compassionate and encouraging writing mentor, as well as an amazing author who weaves intriguing and authentic feeling fiction. Don’t forget to comment or ask your own question for a chance to win an ebook copy or signed paperback copy (your choice!) of The Journey of Eleven Moons. You can read my review of her novel here.
Without further delay, please take a moment to get to know Bonnie Leon!
What inspired you to start writing?
I’m certain it was God. I didn’t plan to write, but one day late in 1989 I just had to spill my heart onto paper. I filled legal pads with my thoughts, personal experiences, short stories and poems. It became a part of my every day life.
He sent me reeling again in 1991. I’d been playing at writing, up until then. When a logging truck overturned and hit my van I was badly injured and unable to return to work. I wasn’t able to do much of anything and fell into a depression. What was I going to do with my life? I asked God to give me something to do. He told me to write. It wasn’t easy at first. I felt empty. But gradually the words started flowing. And what had been a hobby became a way of life.
How long did it take you before you were first published?
While attending my first writing conference in 1992, I was inspired to write my first novel. I returned home and over the next ten months I discovered what it meant to create a novel. What an amazing experience. The story and its characters came to life. I was astounded by the whole process.
The following summer at the OCW (Oregon Christian Writers) Summer Conference I presented the manuscript to the acquisitions editor for Thomas Nelson Publishing. I nearly fainted when she said she liked it and could I send her the first three chapters. And when she contacted me a few weeks later requesting the entire manuscript I was truly stunned. Several weeks later I received a postcard in the mail saying she couldn’t find my phone number (tip – always include an email address and phone number) and would I please call her. Hands shaking, I picked up the phone. Thomas Nelson wanted to publish my book! I was flabbergasted. Who sells the first book they’ve ever written to the first publisher to read it?
My first sale happened quickly, but the writing journey has been a lot of hard work with lots of mountain tops as well as deep valleys. Still, I love it and can’t imagine doing anything else.
Do you write fiction, nonfiction, or both?
All my books, thus far, have been fiction, but I just completed a memoir (which is a lot like fiction) for a Native American woman who grew up in the Alaskan wilderness. I’ll share more with you about this book below.
I don’t foresee me writing non-fiction. I’m a storyteller at heart and love to create a tale that captures the heart and mind.
Where do you get your ideas?
Ideas come from all sorts of places. Sometimes they just pop into my mind and begin to reveal themselves. There are some that begin with a character. Other times I find them in scripture. There are a lot of amazing stories in the Bible. They don’t need to be told as Biblical fiction, but can be transported to another time and place. And history has so much to say. Often when I’m doing research for one book I find a piece of history that begs to be fashioned into a story.
How much research, if any, do you do when writing a book?
Research is a huge part of storytelling. And it never stops. Sometimes I go digging for a detail even when a book is in print. As a writer, I’m committed to authenticity. I work hard to make certain the backdrop is true to life and accurate. That can only happen if I’m willing to immerse myself in the time and place. And the only way a reader can be immersed in a story is if the staging is authentic and captivating. To make that happen takes more hours of research than I can count, but I would guess it’s in the hundreds of hours.
Do you use an outline, or do you prefer to write by the seat of your pants?
I’ve always admired seat of your pants writers. I’ve wished that I could do that. It looks like so much fun. However, I admit to being a plotter. Before I can get down to writing I need to create an outline. It’s like a map that leads me through the scenes and plots twists of a story. But I do love those times when something completely unexpected shows up and carries me places I’d never even thought of. When I get done writing those scenes I sit back and ask, “Where did that come from?” I usually don’t know, but that’s okay because I’ve had a lot of fun creating it.
Where do you write?
I have an office that is part of my home. For years I sat at my computer at my desk, but now I do my writing in a big leather recliner. I actually work better and faster at a desk, but my back won’t take the hours of sitting in an office any more. It needs pampering.
I’ll be moving in a couple of months to a new home and my husband and I designed my office so I have a million dollar view while I work. That is if I still get any work done.
What are your hobbies/interests (other than writing)?
Hobbies? What are those? I used to have some. These days, my life feels crammed full of responsibilities. My writing takes up a huge chunk, along with social networking. Plus my aged mother moved nearby and she needs a lot of my time. I don’t mind, but it does cut into other activities. Also, I live close to family and we spend lots of time together. Actually I’m living with my youngest daughter and her family now while the new house is being built. I enjoy gabbing with my daughter and grandkids, probably too much.
Family is a beautiful part of my life, bringing laughter and joy and even heartache. I’d never trade them for hobbies.
All that being said, I am a movie buff. I absolutely love a good movie, all kinds except horror. My favorites are those based on true stories. I also read whenever I can. And my husband promised me that next summer, when he’s not building a house, we can take the boat up to the mountain lakes and do some fishing, which is my favorite hobby.
Do you consider yourself to be an introvert or an extrovert, and how do you think that effects your writing?
I’m definitely an extrovert. I love people and enjoy spending time with friends and family. One of the highlights of my week is our church home group. It is fun to get together with other believers and talk about life and God and to pray and worship together.
As I’ve aged, I’ve found I need time alone when it’s just me and the wind in the trees and the sound of happy birds.
When I first started writing I wondered how a “people person” like me ended up spending the majority of her time at a computer, but I’ve made peace with it. I think the reclusive writing part of my life has helped me appreciate the time I get to spend outside my office. And the extrovert part of me makes social networking easier and more fun.
Tell us a bit about your latest book. What was your inspiration?
The Journey of Eleven Moons is actually the first book I wrote and published. I have always loved the story, but when I reread it a couple of years ago, I saw right away that it was written by a newbie writer—me. I wished I could rewrite it and decided that 2013 was the year to recreate the book and I set to work. It was more difficult than I’d imagined, but I’m thrilled with the results. It is a much better book now.
It takes place in Alaska in 1886 and tells the tale of Anna and her sister, Iya, who are left to survive on their own after a tsunami destroys their village. There is a blue-eyed stranger who has wandered onto their Aleutian island. He offers to help the two native girls, but Anna is convinced he cannot be trusted. She is faced with a quandary—trust him or perish.
A family story inspired the book. My grandmother was Aleut and she grew up in Unalaska, Alaska. One day as a young woman she stood on a bluff and watched a tsunami slam into the shore below her. The image always stayed with me and when it was time to write my first book my grandmother’s experience grew into what became The Journey of Eleven Moons.
What project can we look forward to seeing next?
As I mentioned above, I’ve written a memoir. It is an amazing tale of a Native American woman, Lily, who grew up in the Alaskan wilderness during the 1940’s and 1950’s. She lived a life unlike any I’ve ever known. Her father was a true mountain man and Lily grew up in the shadow of his brutality. Against all odds, she survived and even thrived.
Is there a subject you’ve longed to write about, but haven’t had the chance?
Yes. Of course. My mind and heart are full of ideas. I’m a writer, after all.
I do have a story I’m working on right now. It’s been tugging at me for many years, but I always seemed to be caught up in a new historical without time for something more. It’s a contemporary tale about overcoming—finding hope and fulfilling dreams even when life seems to be without purpose and full of despair.
The huge life change after my accident inspired this story. Finding my way out of darkness and into a place with purpose and even joy wasn’t easy and is something I still struggle with some of the time. There are many others, like me, who have been forced to find a new way to live. I hope to shed light on the process and have fun along the way.
If you’ve written other books, could you please list their titles or series name?
Northern Lights Series
The Sowers Trilogy
A Sacred Place
The Matanuska Series
The Queensland Chronicles
The Sydney Cove series
Alaskan Skies series
Where can your readers go to connect with you online?
They can connect with me on my website at or subscribe to my blog at and my Facebook author page here.
Where can readers find your latest release?
It will be available on,,, and all the other usual places.
Thanks so much for joining us Bonnie!
Readers, and please leave a comment or ask your own question below for a chance to win an ebook copy of The Journey of Eleven Moons.
by April | Nov 15, 2013 | Book Reviews, Writing
I’ve just finished a lovely book called The Journey of Eleven Moons by best-selling author, Bonnie Leon. This is a revised version of the novel she had published in 1995. Although I’m a huge fan of Bonnie’s novels, I’ve never read this series, so I can’t compare it to the original or any changes that were made—but from chapter one, I was immediately drawn into the story.
Bonnie Leon gracefully weaves a tale of realistic, deep characters who experience real-life tragedies and triumphs, all the while staying true to a culture and time that transports the reader. We are introduced to a group of the Aleut peoples in Alaska, the harshness and beauty of their surroundings, their traditions, and spiritual life set around the end of the 19th century.
Horrible tragedy leaves Anna and her youngest sister orphaned and destitute. The relationship formed between the two moves from sibling to parental in a natural way, allowing us to identify with the character on a deeper level—Anna has to move beyond her grief for her sister’s sake, and try to build their lives again. When Anna meets Erik, a Civil War veteran, she’s instantly distrustful of the tall foreigner—with good reason. But Erik proves to be a true friend in their time of great need.
The beauty of the Alaskan wilderness and its native people (as well as the occasional ugliness of foreigners looking for quick wealth) are shared in a truthful, unbiased way. Bonnie portrays the Aleut culture in a respectful, but honest light. She does an equally skillful job interweaving the message of the gospel with a subtly that shows us what it was like for Anna to go from her multi-theistic belief system to learning about the One True God.
All in all, the realism of emotion and setting pulls the reader through the story to a very satisfying conclusion. I highly recommend this book and gave it five stars.
You can find The Journey of Eleven Moons in your local bookstore, or pop over to Amazon and order it here.
by April | Oct 1, 2013 | Abuse Recovery, Chronic Illness, Writing
Hi. You probably thought I forgot all about you. I know it’s been ages. I’m sorry. Let’s recap:
My novel launch went spectacular. Huge THANKS to Alexa Mason from Portland Rescue Mission and Sally Faddis from Door to Grace for coming and speaking about their ministry outreach programs for hurting women and children. It’s incredible what those two groups are doing to get women and children off the streets and love them for Christ.
We had a great turnout, ate lots of cookies, drank some wonderful coffee and tea and were safe and cozy away from the storm raging outside. I mean, what could be better than a good book and yummy treats? I know! If you were able to attend, thanks so much for being there sharing in a huge pinnacle moment for me. You made it extra special.

Well, then came the crash. My physical crash. It took a full week to really recover from the excitement and tension of the event–thanks chronic illness! And then the family got head colds. Now I have a head cold. You see the pattern? So, really, I didn’t forget you, I’ve just been bogged down.
Now you’re thinking, but what about the contest? Who won? Without further delay:
CONGRATULATIONS to Jessica G. for winning the autographed copy of Jasmine! WHOOP. (I actually let her know via FB right after the contest ended–but I feel it’s important to make a public announcement!). Thanks to everyone who shared about my novel launch and the paperback release. I couldn’t have done that without you! You were great!
Amazing and humbling reviews are coming in for Jasmine. If you’ll permit, I’m going to share a few here, and then I’ll let you go. Thanks again for all the support and love. You really are the best!
What readers are saying about Jasmine:
“Jasmine is an incredibly well-written tale – one of those stories that makes me feel as though I truly know the characters.”
“Couldn’t put it down.”
“A beautiful story of rescue and redemption.”
“Jasmine is a deep, poignant story which provides hope and help for any who’ve suffered from abuse.”
“Jasmine was a raw look at the life of a survivor.”
“A captivating read with passages that melt your heart with the pain of Jasmine’s past and the struggle to find normalcy when her life has suffered from the deviant behavior of others.”
Have you read Jasmine? I’d really appreciate a review at your favorite online retailer or Goodreads. Thanks for reading, thanks for sharing, and thanks for all your encouragement!
by April | Sep 15, 2013 | Abuse Recovery, Writing
Jasmine is officially released to paperback….TODAY! I’m super excited! Are you excited?? You can order your copy from your favorite online retailer below:
Amazon HERE
BooksAMillion HERE
Barnes & Noble HERE
Please join me in person on September 22, 2013 for my book launch and signing party. I’ll also be selling books on site at that time. Part of the proceeds from my book sales will be donated to Portland Rescue Mission’s Shepherd’s Door and Door To Grace. Both ministries reach out to hurting homeless women and children. Two representatives from these wonderful ministries will be joining me and giving short talks.
Jasmine Novel Launch Party
September 22, 2013 From 3 p.m to 5 p.m
Newberg Christian Church
2315 Villa Rd
Newberg OR 97132 directions and map HERE
Will you help me spread the word that Jasmine is available in paperback? Please share, share, share on your Facebook, Twitter, G+, Blog, email, phone, text…um..word of mouth…tie little notes to your cat’s collar, carrier pigeon….um…oh, I know! Enter the contest below to win an autographed paperback copy of Jasmine. Make sure to leave me a comment on a creative/silly/wacky way YOU would promote my novel. You never know, I might just try it!
See you at my novel launch!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
by April | Sep 7, 2013 | Encouragement, Writing
As I drove home in an information-overloaded stupor from a recent conference, I got to thinking about the advice my writing coach gave on going deeper into character and into the scene. She suggested listening to music from the time period you’re writing about, themed for romance, danger, introspection or whatever your scene is about. We should make a soundtrack for our novel. We should also cut out photos, put up quotes, have detailed information on what we think the character thinks, feels, sees, smells. She suggested writing about a time we experienced something similar to what the character had, just so we’d identify even more with where they were in the story.
Those thoughts tumbled around in my head a bit, and I remembered the Bible verse that tells us to put on the full armor of God. Really, there are any number of verses that tell us to be Christ-like. Here are a couple:
Ephesians 4:22-24 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
1 John 2:5-6 But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.
It was a light bulb moment for me. How do I stay in character, so to speak, with Jesus? Not just in affectation, but deeply and permanently changed. In effect, are special soundtracks, a few biblical quotes around my house, and some scenic photos enough to make me like Christ? Or does it take more, something deeper? And how much more invested should I be to become more like Jesus?
I suggest I should do everything to be like Him. Christians are supposed to be a light in the darkness for others, a shining reflection of Jesus. I can’t be like Him if I don’t know Him—and I can’t know Him if I don’t spend time with Him.
I did something stupid a couple months ago. I was tired, exhausted from my medication and from being sick for weeks on end. Someone posted something online that I felt justified in answering. Note: if you feel justified in saying something, you probably should just keep on walking. I was wrong. I should have scrolled away. Instead, I allowed myself to be drawn into an argument that ended badly. But, it got me to thinking. If I’d been pulling on Christ daily, delving into the Word, staying in prayer, would I have had that knee-jerk reaction?
Putting on the full armor of God isn’t just about the spiritual and sometimes physical battle, it’s about the likeness, the character of Jesus. If I’m immersed in Him, the barbs that come my way will be less likely to find purchase in my life.
Ephesians 6:10-17. Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
by April | Aug 3, 2013 | Writing
I’m sitting at my desk with a pot of tea planning for next week. The 12th to be exact. I’m heading off again to the Oregon Christian Writers summer conference. If you’re an aspiring author, or love writing and just don’t know how to channel your passions better, take my advice: go to a writing conference. Where else in the world can you meet people that live in their heads like you do? That imagine deaths, births, marriages of fictional people and cry over them like you do? No one thinks you’re strange there!
Not only that, but there are classes to help you improve, meal times to increase your network, people to mentor, and chance encounters (or in my world, God-directed encounters) with other writers who will make you better, build you up, pray for you (if you attend Christian events) and be there when you’re experiencing personal doubts and crisis (read free counseling).
This year will be a bit different for me. This year I get to take my books with me. My wonderful editor Roseanna at WhiteFire Publishing has worked doubly hard to send me a box of advanced copies to take and put in the book store at the conference. If you’ve never been, this is a room set aside for all the published authors to share their wares. And this year, I get to, too. (Can you hear the yippee?).
I remember my first conference, some seven years ago, and walking into that room and seeing everyone’s novels and non-fiction books. From historical to how-to, they’re all there, many by authors I’d read and several new ones. At the time, I was the librarian for my church, so I had a field day buying up local authors (Oregon seems to be a fertile land for Christian authors) and then taking them home with me for the library. I did that for many years, in fact. Such fun!
FYI the bookstore will be open for an autograph party on August 14th at the Jantzen Beach Red Lion from 4:45-5:45 if you want to drop by!
I’ll be posting about the conference on my Twitter feed and to my Facebook page. I’ll try to take photos and be diligent!
Meanwhile, could you do me a favor? If you’ve had a chance to read Jasmine in e-book or were one of the lucky few that pre-ordered the paperback and got it early (by Amazon error earlier this week!), would you stop by the Amazon site (or your favorite online retailer) and leave a review? I’d really appreciate it! It helps more than you know.