Oh happy day! It’s June first! And that means my novel, Jasmine, will be released to your favorite digital format in two weeks! Mark the date: June 15th! If you don’t have a digital reader, don’t worry, it will go to paperback in September (and I’ll remind you of that when it happens).
Another announcement I’m excited to make is that I’ve partnered with Portland Rescue Mission’s Shepherd’s Door. Shepherd’s Door is an amazing ministry that helps at-risk women and children get off the streets, gives them a safe place to live, and supports them during their physical and spiritual recovery from abuse, sex-trafficking, homelessness and drug abuse. They offer hope and grace. When I first approached them with the idea that I’d like to promote their ministry in my novel, they came back to me and said, “We’d love to make a landing page for your book on our web page.”
Why? It so happens that my character, Jasmine, does a very similar job in my novel. Her heart aches for those untouchables here in the U.S. that we might look past on our way to shopping or eating out. We often forget that those girls and young women aren’t out there because they think it’s an awesome place to be. Most are escaping a bad home-life–or they’ve been tricked, and now they are trapped in a lifestyle they don’t think they can escape. The typical age of indoctrination into the sex trade here in the United States is twelve. Doesn’t that feel overwhelming? The good news is, places like the Portland Rescue Mission gives them a safe place to turn to.
So, without further fan-fare, check out this link for Portland Rescue Mission (click here), and after you do, please donate to the women’s and children’s recovery. Your donation will make a huge difference in someone’s life.
Good work, April! So proud of you and looking forward to June 15th! For some reason I haven’t been getting your posts in my email, so I’ll be resubscribing:)
Thanks, Deanne! I so appreciate your encouragement. What a small world we writers live in! Who knew back then that this novel would get so far? Blessings!
Can’t wait to have a copy on my Kindle. I had a brief preview and know it’s a great read.
Congrats. Hope it sells well.
Thanks, David. I really appreciate that. I hope I’m able to generate a lot of donations for Shepherd’s Door. They have such a wonderful ministry!
I’m very excited about reading you book. I pray that it will open the heart & mind of many people. Because of cerebral palsy I’ve been treated as if I were invisible than also. I believe it’s because people are afraid of seeing parts of themselves when they look at the homeless or disabled.
There are so many invisible conditions. My own chronic illness has encouraged me to give people the benefit of the doubt and lots of grace rather than rush to judgement.I hope you enjoy my book
Thanks for your comments.